Tech & Rebreather Training
Sharky is an active instructor at all levels up to and including CCR Trimix. Classes are scheduled as needed, and can be run locally or in Florida, or other location.
In addition to the full range of recreational PADI certifications, Sharky teaches Advanced Nitrox & Decompression Proceedures, CCR Air Diluent (Inspiration Vission) and CCR Normoxic Trimix (Inspiration Vision).
To inquire about training and class availability, email Sharky here.
Captain Mark “Sharky” Alexander started diving nearly 25 years ago as a Public Safety Diver for the Springfield/Sangamon Counta ESDA rescue squad in Illinois. Sharky is an active technical diver, closed circuit rebreather instructor and expedition leader, arranging and coordinating exploration expeditions around the world.
Sharky holds the following active instructor credentials:
PADI Master Instructor: Open Water, Advanced, Specialties – Nitrox, Buoyancy, Night, Wreck, Deep, Navigation, Medic First Aid
TDI Instructor: Inspiration Classic/Vision CCR Instructor and Advanced Nitrox / Decompression Procedures
IANTD CCR Normoxic Trimix Instructor
EFR Primary Care (CPR) & Secondary Care (First Aid) Instructor
DAN Oxygen First Aid Instructor
Advanced Diver Medical Technician
Hyperbaric Chamber Technician
USCG 100 Ton Master Captain License with Towing Endorsement